Protégé Pulse Newsletter

Weekly, practical real-world digital product management insights.

Tips and Tricks for a Great Refinement Session
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Tips and Tricks for a Great Refinement Session

In this Protege Pulse edition, we explore effective strategies for conducting a successful refinement session. Through a conversation between a manager and a product manager named Jimmy, we uncover key tips such as pre-refinement with lead co-creators, sequencing user stories, and maintaining a balance between providing guidance and allowing team input. These insights help product managers ensure their teams are well-prepared and aligned for development.

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10 Tips to Make Coaching a Habit for Product Managers
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10 Tips to Make Coaching a Habit for Product Managers

In this week's Protege Pulse, we explore how product managers can make coaching a daily habit. Effective coaching enhances team performance, from guiding co-creators and development teams to influencing management and leadership. By adopting a coaching mindset, product managers can drive continuous improvement and cultivate a culture of learning within their teams.

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1 minute read: Top 10 Favorite Products
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1 minute read: Top 10 Favorite Products

This week's Protege Pulse takes a personal turn as I share my top 10 favorite products. From the iPhone 15 Pro to the Kamado Joe Big Joe ii, discover the digital and physical products that enhance my professional and personal life. Learn about the tools and gadgets that keep me organized, efficient, and inspired in both my work and hobbies.

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Episode 6: A Day in the Life of a Product Manager - Solo Work
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Episode 6: A Day in the Life of a Product Manager - Solo Work

In Episode 6 of Protege Pulse, we delve into the vital solo work product managers undertake to enhance team efficiency and effectiveness. From preparing customer questions to crafting pitch decks, writing epics, and analyzing post-launch data, these individual tasks are crucial. This episode emphasizes the importance of solo work in preparation, analysis, and storytelling to ensure successful product management.

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Episode 5: A Day in the Life of a Product Manager Analyzing Data to Make Decisions
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Episode 5: A Day in the Life of a Product Manager Analyzing Data to Make Decisions

In Episode 5 of the "Day in the Life of" series, we explore how product managers analyze data to make informed decisions. Using a real-world example from a pet supplies eCommerce company, we break down the process of evaluating the impact of potential features like push notifications. This episode also includes six steps for starting to analyze data effectively, emphasizing the importance of defining KPIs, collecting and analyzing data, visualizing findings, drawing insights, and making data-driven decisions to enhance product performance.

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Episode 4… 9 Quotes from A Day in the Life of a Product Person
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Episode 4… 9 Quotes from A Day in the Life of a Product Person

Welcome to Episode 4 of the "Day in the Life of" series. This week, we focus on "9 Quotes from A Day in the Life of a Product Person." These quotes, sourced from personal experiences, co-creators, and leadership, highlight the daily experiences in product management. Whether you're familiar with these scenarios, new to the field, or a seasoned professional, this episode offers valuable insights into the challenges and strategies of product management.

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Episode 3: Day in the Life of a Analyst of Product Management
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Episode 3: Day in the Life of a Analyst of Product Management

In Episode 3 of the "Day in the Life of" series, we explore the role of an Analyst of Product Management, an entry-level position crucial for product development. This episode highlights the balance of analysis, creativity, and collaboration required to support product managers and drive product success. From stand-up meetings and data analysis to user story refinement and user acceptance testing, the daily activities of an Analyst of Product Management provide foundational support for the product management team and contribute significantly to the product's development and enhancement.

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Episode 2: Day in the Life of a Manager of Product Management
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Episode 2: Day in the Life of a Manager of Product Management

Welcome to Episode 2 of the "Day in the Life of" series. This week, we explore the role of a manager of product management and how it differs from that of a product manager. This episode delves into the diverse responsibilities of the role, including cultivating a supportive environment, guiding and coaching team members, fostering collaboration, and leading by example. Discover the daily activities and challenges that shape successful product management leadership and gain insights into balancing technical and strategic responsibilities.

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Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Product Manager
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Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Product Manager

In Episode 1 of the "Day in the Life of" series, we delve into the everyday cadence of a Product Manager. This episode highlights the dynamic role of Product Managers, who balance customer experience with business value. From morning standups to afternoon mentorship sessions, each part of the day is crucial in shaping successful digital products. The post explores key activities such as strategy reviews, stakeholder alignments, and customer insights, emphasizing the blend of discipline, creativity, communication, and analysis required to excel in product management.

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How learning product management is like learning how to play guitar
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How learning product management is like learning how to play guitar

Drawing parallels between learning product management and mastering the guitar, this blog post explores how foundational frameworks, like the E3 (Envision, Empower, Elevate), are akin to musical scales essential for creativity. It emphasizes the importance of understanding these frameworks deeply before learning to bend the rules and innovate. Just as a guitarist balances technical skills with improvisation, a product manager must blend structured knowledge with creative thinking to build successful products. The post concludes with a coaching moment, challenging readers to personalize their use of the E3 framework

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Episode 5: Leveling Up from Associate Product Manager to Product Manager
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Episode 5: Leveling Up from Associate Product Manager to Product Manager

Elevating from Associate Product Manager to Product Manager involves accumulating knowledge, demonstrating leadership, and understanding both the product and the market deeply. This guide outlines seven key actions to help make this leap, including taking exceptional notes, always having an agenda, writing compelling pitch decks, leveraging data, understanding timelines, excelling in your current role, and mastering the product lifecycle. Through the contrasting journeys of Bob and Alyssa, the guide emphasizes the importance of comprehensive understanding, proactive learning, and effective communication to succeed in product management.

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Episode 4 - Mastering The Art of Coaching Up | Situational Product Management Series
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Episode 4 - Mastering The Art of Coaching Up | Situational Product Management Series

In Episode 4 of the Situational Product Management series, we explore the crucial skill of "coaching up" for product managers. Owning your product means understanding every aspect and effectively communicating your roadmap to leadership. Through a case study on implementing personalized recommendations in a search function, we highlight how to balance innovation with practical considerations. Learn top tips for managing up, including transparent ROI forecasting, data-driven decision-making, and strategic compromise. This episode emphasizes the importance of blending technical knowledge with empathy and storytelling to align with leadership and drive successful outcomes.

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Situational Product Management Episode 3: Mastering the Human Dynamics of Product Management
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Situational Product Management Episode 3: Mastering the Human Dynamics of Product Management

In this episode of the Situational Product Management series, we explore the power of empathy in effective leadership through the story of Alex, a product manager at TechEase. Alex's journey highlights how understanding and caring for his team's perspectives, aligning diverse stakeholder views, and maintaining a holistic approach to product management can lead to successful outcomes. By embracing empathy and patience, Alex was able to enhance team cohesion and launch a product that resonated with customers. Reflect on your own approach to stakeholder management and consider incorporating more empathy into your interactions.

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Situational Product Management Episode 2: Confidence in Product Management
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Situational Product Management Episode 2: Confidence in Product Management

In this episode of the Situational Product Management series, we explore the critical role of confidence in successful product management through the story of Jimmy, a product manager at a B2B SaaS company. Faced with the challenge of improving a dashboard tool, Jimmy learns from customer feedback and navigates team dynamics to build confidence in his vision and strategy. This post highlights the importance of mastering essentials, engaging stakeholders, and effectively communicating ideas to align with the larger vision and strategy.

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New Series! Situational Product Management - Episode 1
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New Series! Situational Product Management - Episode 1

Welcome to the first edition of our Situational Product Management series, where we explore real-world scenarios faced by product managers. In this post, we delve into the decision-making process behind whether to build a mobile app or enhance the existing mobile website. Through data analysis, customer insights, and cost-benefit evaluation, we determined that improving the mobile web experience was more beneficial than developing a new app. This thoughtful decision-making process highlights the importance of understanding customer needs and making data-driven choices to balance innovation with practicality.

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The Art of Seeing Through Many Eyes: A Product Manager's Superpower
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The Art of Seeing Through Many Eyes: A Product Manager's Superpower

Discover the power of embracing multiple perspectives in product management. This blog post explores how imagining guidance from mentors, even those you've never met, can enrich your decision-making process. Learn how to create a personal council of mentors to gain diverse insights, refine your ideas, and prepare for team and leadership discussions. This strategic tool ensures your ideas are robust, well-rounded, and considerate of various viewpoints and potential challenges. Embrace the art of seeing through many eyes to build products that resonate with everyone

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The Art & Science of Product Management and Smoking a Brisket
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The Art & Science of Product Management and Smoking a Brisket

Discover the art and science of product management through the lens of smoking a brisket. This blog post parallels the essential, non-negotiable aspects of both practices, highlighting the importance of adhering to foundational principles while adding personal flair. From preparation and patience to overcoming challenges and savoring success, learn how the meticulous process of smoking a brisket mirrors the journey of bringing a product to market. Embrace the balance of science and art to create products that not only work but resonate with users

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Top 10 Mistakes New Product Managers Make
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Top 10 Mistakes New Product Managers Make

Navigating the world of product management can be challenging, especially for new managers. This blog post outlines the top 10 mistakes to avoid, such as premature celebrations of product launches, failing to say no to unnecessary requests, and neglecting product hygiene. Learn how to gather diverse feedback, tap into your team's full potential, and avoid analysis paralysis. The post emphasizes the importance of balancing stakeholder collaboration, maintaining clear and actionable user stories, and keeping the big picture in mind. Leveraging the insights from the Product Protégé Guide can help you steer clear of these common pitfalls and foster a thriving product environment.

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Keep the big picture top of mind
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Keep the big picture top of mind

Dive into the journey of a product manager using the E3 Framework in this insightful blog post. Follow the story of a dedicated product manager and her team as they embark on a new project, emphasizing customer-centric approaches and strategic alignment. Learn how to translate pitch decks into actionable plans, tackle implementation challenges, and maintain strategic alignment to drive project success. This post underscores the importance of accessibility, continuous communication, and strategic thinking in product management. Subscribe for weekly insights and join the conversation with fellow product managers.

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Behind the Click: A Product Management Primer
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Behind the Click: A Product Management Primer

Curious if Product Management is the right career for you? Explore key steps to assess your fit for this dynamic field. Discover practical advice on gaining hands-on experience, networking with professionals, and leveraging online resources to understand the role better. Make an informed decision about your future in Product Management.

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