Free Template for communicating a new feature launch to your stakeholders.

How to communicate launches that focuses on measurable impact, sets expectations, and welcomes feedback.

You’ve reached a significant milestone—Feature X is now live! This is a moment for brief celebration, but let's keep our focus on the real prize: delivering actual value to our customers and our business.

At this point you’ve already covered your go/no-go list and have all the required documentation, training, and FAQs ready with a thumbs-up from your scrum team that the feature passed regression testing and UAT.

As we step into this new phase, it’s important to manage our communications effectively.

Owning the narrative of our product is essential. We need to be clear, concise, and set expectations accurately for what comes next.

Here’s a template of how we can communicate this achievement to our stakeholders, sharing initial insights and paving the way for detailed engagement and feedback analysis.

This will provide a foundation for the statistically significant value we aim to deliver, which will inform future optimizations not only for this feature but potentially adjustments to our broader roadmap based on what we learn.

Initial Update Key Points

  1. Launch Confirmation: Confirm the date and time the feature went live.

  2. Objective Reminder: Reiterate our primary objective, the problem we aimed to solve, and our proposed solution. Utilize the pitch deck you wrote and link to it or cover it briefly.

  3. Metrics Monitoring: Outline which key performance indicators (KPIs) we will monitor to assess the impact.

  4. Reporting Frequency: Detail how often we will measure these KPIs and the schedule for communicating our findings.

  5. Open Feedback Channel: Encourage the team to share any questions or feedback as they engage with customers and the new feature.

  6. Express Gratitude: Thank them for their continued support throughout the development and launch process.

Pick up a copy of the Product Protégé Guide available on Amazon if you need help with anything in the above key points.

Initial update Template

Hello team,

I’m excited to announce that Feature X has successfully been released and is now live for our customers to use.

As you may recall, our primary objective with this feature was to address the problem of X, and our solution for its resolution was Y. See more information about the genesis of this feature here <link to pitch deck/powerpoint/confluence page>

We believe that Feature X will provide significant benefits to our users and improve their overall experience with our product. To measure the impact of Feature X, we will be closely monitoring the following key performance indicators (KPIs):




These metrics will help us evaluate the effectiveness of our solution and identify any areas for further improvement.

Our team will be tracking these KPIs daily and will provide updates on our findings at regular intervals. Initially, we’ll share insights every few days, then transition to weekly reports as the user experience stabilizes and we gather more data.

We greatly appreciate your support throughout the development and launch of feature X.

Should you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re eager to hear your thoughts and continue collaborating on enhancing our product for the benefit of our customers.

Thank you once again for your invaluable support.

Product Manager Name

This template is designed to help streamline your communication post-launch. Feel free to adapt it to better fit your needs, and may it strengthen your product management communications.

Let me know if this works, what is missing, and how we can work together to make it even better!

Until next week…



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