Decoding Digital Craftsmanship: What is a Product Manager?

Demystifying the Role of Product Management for those interested in the role or helping those in the profession explain to friends and family.

Explaining the role of a digital product manager can be challenging. To many, the world of algorithms, user experience, and digital roadmaps feels intangible compared to traditional professions of engineers and architects. Each time I'm asked by friends and family about my profession, I take it as an opportunity not just to clarify, but to also educate and, sometimes, even entertain.

Here are a few ways I've tried to review my role:

  1. Balancing Act: "I balance value for our business and customers by crafting top-notch digital experiences."

  2. Web Guru: "I help make websites user-friendly and engaging."

  3. Roadmap Designer: "I map out the future features of websites and apps to always stay a step ahead."

  4. Search Specialist: "Ever effortlessly found a product on Amazon? My counterparts and I work on such search features."

  5. Style Assistant: "When you shop for jeans online and it suggests a trendy shirt to match? I help make that happen."

  6. App Guy: “See that app? I helped make that”

Often, the responses I receive are polite nods or a simple "That's cool." But sometimes, those brief explanations lead to profound conversations about technology's pervasive role in our lives.

This led me to trying to use one of these analogies in one of my latest Instagram Stories on @productprotege to help people learn more about what a product manager is, or an analogy my fellow product peers can use the next time someone asks you “what do you do for a living?”

Enjoy! If you like the content, please consider sharing or subscribing! To learn more, check out my highly rated book available on Amazon Product Protégé Guide - The Art of Product Management for E-Commerce and Beyond

In conclusion, the next time someone inquires about your profession, consider it an opportunity. It's a chance to share a snippet of the digital world's magic, the innovation behind the screens, and the meticulous thought processes of a product manager. After all, in an increasingly digital age, shouldn't we all understand and appreciate the brains behind the bytes? #ProductManagement #DigitalEra #BehindTheScreens


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