Does your team feel overwhelmed by the vastness of product management?

Yeah, I’ve been there. Learn about the frameworks that built a strong discipline that helped set my focus to be a top product manager.

Whether shifting to product-centric models or manging newly formed teams from diverse backgrounds; we think we can help

  • If you're thinking of starting a career in product management, this course will give you the foundational knowledge you need.

  • If you've just started a new role as a product manager, this course will help you increase your chances of a successful career by providing essential insights and strategies we wish we had.

  • If you're already in a product role but lack coaching or mentorship at your company, this course will provide you with proven frameworks to learn and experiment with, ensuring your continuous growth and development.

  • like Analysts, Associate Product Managers, Product Owners, and Product Managers.

  • Gain access to templates, checklists, and office hours to streamline your product management tasks and processes.

  • Explore advanced topics like optimization strategies and understand the culture and hierarchy within product organizations.

  • Benefit from a holistic approach to product management, gaining insights and support from group open office hours with a community of peers and experts.

  • Get everything in the Enhanced course plus the Product Protégé Guide shipped to your home, the perfect companion this course! We promise it won’t leave your desk.

  • Learn AI practical and tactical approaches with demos and over 90 prompt downloads to stay ahead in the tech landscape.

  • Participate in live workshops with product experts and enjoy extended access to course materials for two years.

“I have dedicated the past 14 years to perfecting this course, drawing on my extensive experience from Fortune 50 companies to startups, B2B to B2C, SaaS to retail. This course is tested, proven, and designed to make you one of the top product managers in your field.”
- Jason, Founder & CEO

Unlock your potential with our comprehensive Product Management Accelerator Course! Achieve a Product Management Certification and become a skilled Product Manager with our intensive Product Management Bootcamp.

Dive deep into Product Development and master Product Strategy through our engaging digital platform. Gain expertise in Agile Product Management and enhance your Product Management Skills to drive innovation. Join our Digital Product Management program and learn the ins and outs of Product Lifecycle Management. Start your journey to becoming a top-tier product manager today!

Our Product Management Accelerator Pro Course is the most comprehensive product course product management teams!

Product Management Accelerator PRO Course

$33/month/seat/12 payments

or $379 one time payment for one year access.

See all the great offerings that come with this course below.

8 hours of video lessons


Certification of Completion

Download Templates

Easy distribution for team

Customer Support & Progress Reporting

Envision, Empower, Elevate Framework

Monthly Open Office Hours

Access to All Store Templates

AI Demo and Prompt Download

Product Management Accelerator PRO Course

Our Accelerator Pro course is meticulously crafted for product management teams who need a flexible approach to meet distribution needs for product management coaching, lessons, and certifications. It is easy to sign up for current product managers on your team and easy for new product managers that join your team. Gain access to progress reporting and more through administrative enablement on our platform. Customer support for our course offerings to ensure you have the answers and support you need to take full advantage of our product management training platform. Just like our Accelerator course, this course provides templates, office hours, checklists, and covers advanced topics such as optimization and the culture/hierarchy of product organizations. It’s practical and tactical, designed to equip you with tools and knowledge for success. Gain practical tools and support for effective product management you can start using tomorrow. Learn Agile methodologies, optimize your processes, and drive innovation with resource-rich content.

With this course, you get

  • Certification of Completion

  • Quizzes

  • Monthly Open Office Hours with a product expert

  • Optimization & A/B Testing Lessons to enhance your strategies

  • Team Hierarchy and Culture Lessons to support strong product teams.

  • Download Templates for real-world application

  • Access to the Product Protégé Community for networking and support

  • Flexible platform to meet your distribution needs for product management coaching, lessons, and certifications.

  • Easy sign up process for current and new product

  • Gain access to progress reporting and more through administrative enablement on our platform.

  • Customer support for our course offerings to ensure you have the answers and support you need to take full advantage of our product management training platform.

  • 12 months access to all course materials

Elevate your product management capabilities and start driving innovation today!

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Product Management Accelerator PRO Course

With Jason Abdo, Founder of Product Protégé

Instructor: Jason Abdo; 14 years product experience @ Fortune 50 + Startups

Course Length: 8 Hours

Course Content: Downloadable Templates + Quizzes + Open Office Hours + Community + Certification + Customer Support + Admin Tools + Progress Reporting + Easy Sign Up Process for Current and New Team Members + Flexible Platform for Distribution

Skills: Customer Empathy | Data Analysis | Agile Methodologies | Project Management | Strategic Thinking | Communication Skills | User Research | Team Collaboration | Product Roadmapping | Problem Solving

Who is this course for?


Companies transitioning to Product-Centric & Agile Methods

Product Teams

Newly formed product teams from diverse backgrounds

Speed Up Development and Provide Clear Value

Tired of slow product launches and unclear results? Our Product Protégé course provides the tools and training your team needs to speed up development and ensure each feature adds significant value.

We offer a top-quality digital product management course at an unbeatable price compared to other providers. Our mission is to make product management accessible to as many individuals as possible, which is why we strive to keep our prices affordable for everyone.

Our courses are the most tactical digital product management training available, providing you with actionable insights and hands-on experience. Along with the courses, you will receive comprehensive templates and resources to streamline your workflow and enhance your learning experience.

Upon completion, you will earn a valuable certification that will boost your credentials and career prospects in the field of product management. Join us to gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in digital product management and stay ahead in this competitive industry.

The Certification that Matters!

 Enhanced Product Course Overview

  • This lesson provides an introduction to product management, defining it as a discipline focused on defining and executing the strategy for a product or set of products within a company. It emphasizes the role of the product manager in balancing customer value and business value to enhance both the customer experience and business growth. The course will explore the agile methodology, using iterations to drive key performance indicators (KPIs), such as sales and complementary product purchases.

    Examples are provided to illustrate the responsibilities of a product manager, such as managing on-site search functionalities or addressing customer pain points in an e-commerce setting. The lesson also highlights how a product manager works with various teams—business, technical, and user experience—to ensure that products not only meet customer needs but also align with business objectives. The overarching theme is the importance of focusing on what's most crucial for the business and the customer, rather than just increasing activity. This introduction sets the stage for deeper dives into the strategies, principles, and detailed aspects of product management in subsequent chapters.

  • This lesson delves into the themes and principles of product management, emphasizing the importance of customer focus and strategic thinking in guiding product development and management. The lesson starts with a definition of the themes as overarching goals and principles as the beliefs and guidelines for achieving these goals.

    A key principle discussed is the customer-centric approach, where understanding customer needs and pain points is crucial. This involves analyzing customer interactions on the website or app and observing competitor strategies to identify improvements and opportunities.

    Strategic thinking is another major principle highlighted, where setting a clear product vision and understanding the 'why' behind every action is essential. This includes solving immediate customer problems like adding popular payment options (e.g., PayPal) to ease the checkout process.

    The example given involves an e-commerce company focused on dog food, illustrating how a product vision integrates both company-wide objectives and specific goals for the e-commerce team. This vision aligns with operational strategies that ensure product quality, customer experience, and ethical sourcing.

    Furthermore, the discussion covers the importance of cross-functional collaboration and continuous feedback loops through Agile methodologies to refine product features and improve team operations. This agile approach emphasizes quick adaptations based on customer feedback to prioritize the development of features that offer the most value.

    Overall, the lesson emphasizes the importance of aligning product management strategies with customer needs and business objectives to create a cohesive and effective product management process.

  • In this lesson, the focus is on understanding the themes and principles of product management within the E3 framework's Envision phase. Themes in product management are broad goals that guide product development, such as customer focus, strategy, execution, and performance management. Principles, on the other hand, are the fundamental beliefs and guidelines that shape how product management tasks are carried out, acting like a compass to direct efforts towards these themes.

    These themes and principles are designed to provide a structured approach to product management, ensuring that teams are focused, strategies are aligned with business objectives, and outcomes are effectively measured and communicated.

  • This lesson explores the various roles and responsibilities of a product manager across different levels within an organization. At its core, a product manager's job is to solve customer problems, ensuring they have satisfying experiences that encourage them to return and recommend the brand. Key activities include working with stakeholders to generate ideas, designing and developing products, launching them effectively, and conducting post-launch marketing.

    A crucial aspect of the product manager's role is advocacy—making a case for investment in their projects to maximize returns and benefit customers. They must also make key decisions, balancing the needs of customers, the company, and other stakeholders. This involves prioritizing projects that align with business goals and continuously analyzing their impact on key performance indicators like revenue, customer satisfaction, and site visits.

    The lesson also outlines the career progression within product management, from entry-level roles like an analyst of product management to senior positions such as a chief product officer. Each role involves deepening responsibilities and a greater impact on the company's product strategy. The next lessons will dive deeper into the specific responsibilities associated with each level, emphasizing the universal principles that all product managers should follow, regardless of their position.

  • This lesson focuses on the role of an Analyst of Product Management, which is an entry-level position in the product management field.

    An example day for an Analyst of Product Management might include attending stand-up meetings to coordinate with the team, participating in roadmap reviews to discuss future projects, refining user stories with co-creators, reviewing data from recent feature launches, and conducting UAT for new features.

    This role is crucial for ensuring that all members of the product team are aligned and that the product development process runs smoothly. Analysts not only execute tasks but also play a significant part in shaping the product’s development through their detailed insights and feedback.

  • This lesson focuses on the role of the Associate Product Manager (APM) in e-commerce product management, building on the foundational responsibilities outlined for the Analyst of Product Management. The APM role involves deeper engagement with the development and strategic aspects of product management, including ownership of user story creation for epics and proactive problem-solving within agile teams.

    The role of the APM is pivotal in bridging the gap between user needs, business objectives, and the technical execution of product features. They act as a glue within the product team, ensuring that all elements of the product strategy are aligned and executed efficiently. This role requires a proactive approach to managing tasks and leading initiatives within the product team, setting the stage for further advancement in product management careers.

  • This lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of Product Managers (PMs) and Senior Product Managers (SPMs), highlighting their critical functions in steering product strategy, managing roadmaps, and interfacing with various stakeholders.

    Overall, PMs and SPMs play a pivotal role in shaping the product’s direction and ensuring its success by aligning business goals with customer needs and market demands. They act as the linchpin between various facets of the organization, driving product strategies that are both innovative and aligned with business objectives.

  • This lesson delves into the role of the Technical Product Manager (TPM) in e-commerce product management, highlighting the unique requirements and responsibilities of this position compared to traditional product management roles.

    Role Overview:

    Technical Expertise: TPMs typically emerge from a technical background, often transitioning from developer roles. They possess a deep understanding of the technical aspects of product development, enabling them to make informed decisions on system architecture, database setup, and integration with third-party systems.

    Technical Leadership: They serve as the technical authority within product teams, guiding decisions on architecture, tools, and platforms. This role is crucial in organizations where products require sophisticated technical frameworks or in environments like Fortune 50 companies where scale and complexity are significant.

    The TPM is pivotal in ensuring that the technical aspects of product development are not only feasible but also align with the strategic business goals, facilitating a smooth integration of technology and business in product development processes.

  • This lesson outlines the top six differences in product management roles, highlighting how varied the responsibilities and focuses can be across different types of organizations and products.

    This lesson emphasizes the diversity within product management roles and the importance of understanding these differences when navigating careers or working within various teams. Each type of product manager plays a crucial role in ensuring their products meet both technical standards and business objectives, tailored to their specific operational context.

  • This lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the daily tasks that product managers should engage in to ensure the health and progress of their products.

    By embedding these tasks into their daily routine, product managers can effectively monitor their product’s performance, foster innovation, and maintain a cohesive team dynamic, all of which are essential for successful product management. The lesson emphasizes the importance of proactive engagement and continuous learning to keep improving both the product and the product management process.

  • This lesson explores the various weekly tasks that product managers undertake to manage and advance their products effectively.

    These weekly tasks are essential for maintaining the momentum of product development, ensuring continuous alignment with business goals, and fostering an environment of proactive improvement and stakeholder engagement.

  • This lesson outlines the essential monthly tasks that product managers should undertake to effectively manage and refine their products.

    These tasks help ensure that product managers maintain a proactive approach to product development, aligning closely with both user needs and strategic business goals while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and team development.

  • This lesson delves into the hierarchy of product management roles and various examples of product team structures, providing a clear view of the progression and responsibilities in product management across different types of companies.

    The session highlights the importance of understanding both the vertical progression through product management roles and the horizontal spread of responsibilities depending on the organizational structure and the scale of operations. This knowledge is essential for navigating a career in product management effectively, understanding team dynamics, and aligning individual roles with overall business strategies.

  • This lesson explores the complex and multi-faceted concept of product culture within organizations.

    Overall, product culture is a dynamic and integral aspect of how teams function and succeed, heavily influenced by leadership, communication, and the collective behavior of its members.

  • This lesson explores the concepts of vision, strategy, and roadmap in product management, emphasizing their interconnectedness and importance in guiding product development. Here’s a brief overview:

    Vision: Establishing a vision involves understanding your target customers' demographics, preferences, and pain points to define a long-term, inspirational, and customer-centric goal for your product.

    Strategy: Strategy formulation revolves around setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals that align with the product vision and broader business strategy. This includes identifying key success factors, prioritizing features, and deciding on the allocation of resources based on factors like user needs, business impact, and technical feasibility.

    Roadmap: The roadmap operationalizes the strategy by setting out the steps and timelines for achieving the strategic goals. It includes defining key metrics and KPIs for tracking progress, engaging stakeholders for alignment and buy-in, and adapting the strategy based on data-driven insights and feedback.

    Examples provided include an e-commerce company aiming to be a leading online destination for pet food by focusing on user-friendly design and personalized recommendations, and a bank enhancing community banking with cutting-edge tools for supporting local economic development.

    The lesson underscores the need for these elements to be actionable, focused, and adaptable, providing a clear framework for navigating product development challenges and opportunities.

  • This lesson covers the concept of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) within the E3 framework, emphasizing its role across different stages of product development. Here’s a brief summary:

    Envision: In the envision stage, an MVP is designed to validate the understanding of customer needs and market demands. It aligns with the business strategy and focuses on solving a core problem for target users while being flexible enough to adapt based on stakeholder feedback.

    Empower: Here, the MVP provides clear, attainable goals, fostering a culture of efficiency and continuous learning. It's essential for collecting real-time user feedback, which helps to inform and reprioritize subsequent phases.

    Elevate: At this stage, the MVP is crucial for refining and potentially pivoting the product based on user feedback. This iterative development process driven by real-world data helps to continuously improve the product's value and user experience.

    Examples include:

    -Simplifying an online marketplace to basic e-commerce functions to start gathering user feedback sooner.

    -Starting a fitness app with core workouts to attract early adopters before adding more complex features like 3D animations or heart rate monitoring.

    -Focusing on a straightforward hotel comparison and booking feature in a travel app before expanding to more comprehensive services.

    The MVP is highlighted as a catalyst in the E3 framework, speeding up the design and development process, and ensuring the product evolves effectively based on direct customer input.

  • This lesson delves into the "Envision" phase of the E3 product framework, focusing on structuring and refining product ideas.

    The lesson emphasizes the importance of dreaming big, structuring ideas, and preparing for practical steps to turn visions into reality within the product management process.

  • In this lesson, the focus is on connecting with customers as part of the Envision phase of the E3 product framework.

    The lesson emphasizes the importance of using these insights to guide product development, ensuring that real customer needs and problems are addressed effectively.

  • In this lesson on the "Discovery" phase of the E3 framework, the focus is on understanding customer needs, market conditions, and internal capabilities to shape product development.

    These discovery activities help build a comprehensive understanding of where the product stands and where it needs to go, guiding the development of effective pitch decks and strategic decisions in subsequent phases.

  • In this lesson focused on creating pitch decks within the E3 framework's "Envision" section, you learn to articulate and communicate ideas effectively to stakeholders. A pitch deck is essential for aligning the team on the value of a proposed feature or solution by addressing several key elements.

    The pitch deck is designed to be concise, ideally fitting on one page, to succinctly convey all necessary information and ensure stakeholders understand the proposal's value and rationale. This tool helps prioritize ideas and move them forward effectively in the product development process.

  • In this lesson from the E3 framework's Envision section, the focus is on understanding and calculating Return on Investment (ROI) for developing new features and functions in your product. This involves identifying key metrics related to proposed features and determining their potential impact on your business's main performance indicators (King KPIs). You learned to structure pitch decks to clearly communicate problems, propose solutions, and forecast their impacts using quantifiable data.

    This approach helps in making informed decisions about where to invest in product development to maximize returns and align with long-term business strategies.

  • In this lesson on the Envision phase of the E3 framework, the focus is on defining, analyzing, and making decisions based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for product management.

    This structured approach ensures that product management decisions are grounded in data, enhancing the effectiveness of the product strategy and its alignment with business objectives.

  • In this lesson, the focus is on understanding and managing risks in product management within the Envision section of the E3 framework.

    The lesson concludes by urging a strategic approach to risk management by anticipating potential pitfalls and aligning them with the overall business strategy, thereby ensuring that each step taken in product development is both calculated and informed.

  • In this lesson, we're delving into stakeholder perspectives within the E3 framework. From technical co-creators to legal teams, we'll explore how to effectively communicate with each group, emphasizing key points such as understanding their motivations, aligning with business goals, and maintaining compliance. This comprehensive approach ensures smoother collaboration and enhances the chances of project success.

  • In this lesson, we explore the essential aspects of crafting an effective product roadmap within the E3 framework. A roadmap serves as a strategic plan that outlines the direction, goals, and timelines for a product or feature. Key themes include addressing customer needs, aligning with business objectives, considering technical constraints, monitoring market trends, and staying ahead of competition. The roadmap aids in resource allocation, aligns with business goals, and provides a forecasted timing for feature releases. Visual representation and project management within the E3 framework are critical for effective roadmap management. Next, we'll delve into prioritization methods to ensure the right initiatives are pursued.

  • In this lesson, we explore various methods for prioritizing features and tasks as we build our product roadmap within the E3 framework. We discuss SWOT analysis, the Moscow method, impact-effort matrix, value versus cost assessment, the Kano model, and weighted scoring. Each method offers a unique approach to identifying and ranking priorities based on factors such as impact, effort, value, and user satisfaction. These techniques help product managers make informed decisions and ensure that resources are allocated effectively. Next, we'll conclude the Envision section with a discussion on the formal kickoff.

  • In this final lesson of the Envision section of the E3 framework, we focus on formally kicking off a project or iteration. Key steps include pre-kickoff discussions with design, development, and architecture leaders, reviewing current product performance and project goals, presenting the pitch deck and high-level scope, clarifying target audience and success metrics, discussing potential risks, and addressing any open questions. By ensuring alignment on vision, goals, and scope, the product manager sets the stage for a successful project execution. This concludes the Envision section, and in the next lesson, we'll delve into checklist items to consider as you transition from Envision to the next phase of the framework.

  • In this lesson, we explored Agile frameworks as a precursor to diving into the empower section of the E3 framework. Agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Scrumban emphasize iterative development, continuous delivery, and rapid adaptation to changing requirements. Scrum focuses on time-boxed iterations with fixed-length sprints, while Kanban emphasizes continuous flow without time boxing. Scrumban is a hybrid of both. Agile teams prioritize user feedback, maintain production-quality releases, and engage in flexible release planning based on evolving needs. Cross-functional collaboration, continuous improvement, and efficient workflow management are key principles underlying Agile methodologies. This understanding sets the stage for effective project execution in the empower phase.

  • In this lesson, we delved into the importance of setting clear goals and articulating problems and solutions when defining epics. Epics should address specific problems for both customers and the business, with associated goals and measurable outcomes. We discussed the importance of clear communication, actionable goals, baseline measurements, and time-bound targets. Examples illustrated the difference between vague and clear articulation of problems and solutions. Ultimately, we emphasized the significance of aligning epics with overarching project goals and integrating them seamlessly into project documentation for effective project management.

  • In this lesson, we jump into the importance of user stories within the E3 framework's empower stage. User stories serve as a clear and organized way to communicate user needs and requirements to the product team. We discussed the general format of user stories, including titles, summaries, user roles, benefits, assumptions, scenarios (given, when, then), documents, Epic links, and labels. Additionally, we provided tips on broadening perspectives, reviewing scenarios, maintaining focus, and managing backlog items. Next, we'll explore various types of user stories tailored to different teams and outputs.

  • In this lesson, we delved into the importance of refinement sessions within the Empower stage of the E3 framework. Refinement, also known as backlog grooming, involves collaboratively discussing and refining user stories to ensure they are ready for development cycles. Key steps include presenting user stories, clarifying requirements, estimating effort, prioritizing, slicing larger stories, and defining acceptance criteria. Embracing feedback, celebrating uncovered use cases, and maintaining adaptability are crucial aspects of successful refinement sessions.

  • In this lesson, we explored the importance of partnering with the UX team within the Empower stage of the E3 framework. Key points include involving them early, clearly communicating goals and user needs, encouraging collaboration, focusing on the user journey, being open to feedback, reviewing wireframes and prototypes, establishing clear communication channels, aligning on priorities and deadlines, and providing ongoing support throughout the design process.

  • In this lesson, we covered the coding phase within the Empower stage of the E3 framework. Key points include acting as a liaison between stakeholders and developers, clarifying requirements, monitoring progress and managing scope, validating and reviewing work, planning for the future launch, and continuously gathering feedback to improve the process. Stay tuned for the next section on QA and the automation phase.

  • In this lesson, we discussed the QA and automation phase of the Empower section of the E3 framework. Key points include allowing proper time for testing in various environments, auditing test cases for automation, collaborating closely with the QA team, reviewing test plans and cases, triaging and prioritizing defects, communicating progress with stakeholders, planning for future launches, and gathering feedback for continuous improvement. Stay tuned for the next section on partnering with the legal team.

  • In this lesson, we discussed the importance of involving the legal team to ensure compliance before launching a feature or making changes to terms and conditions. Key points included analyzing the need for legal involvement, preparing a clear overview, collaborating on solutions, establishing a communication plan, following up on action items, implementing recommendations, and sharing launch timelines. Remember, it's crucial to work closely with your legal team while also respecting their processes and timelines.

  • In this lesson, we emphasized the significance of partnering with the analytics team to ensure that the product or feature being developed aligns with business goals. Key points included defining tracking requirements, reviewing and approving tagging specifications, coordinating with development and QA teams, monitoring data collection and quality, collaborating on report creation, analyzing performance, communicating insights and recommendations, driving data-driven decisions, continuously improving the analytics process, and advocating for a data-driven approach within the organization. By leveraging analytics effectively, you can inform decision-making, drive improvements, and promote a culture of data-driven decision-making across the company.

  • In this lesson, we focused on user acceptance testing (UAT) as the final step in the empower section of the E3 framework. We emphasized the importance of revisiting user stories, developing a UAT plan, reporting issues with clear details, recruiting help for testing, and making a go/no-go decision for launch based on UAT results. This ensures that the product meets expectations before it goes live.

  • In this lesson, we discussed the Elevate section of the E3 framework, focusing on the go/no-go decision before launching a capability. We outlined key stakeholders to involve, considerations such as testing thoroughness and security vulnerabilities, and the importance of a rollout plan. Ultimately, the product manager makes an informed decision based on these factors. Next, we'll cover what it means to have a capability live in production.

  • In this lesson, we covered the process of going live in production after making the go decision. We emphasized the importance of a clear communication plan, outlining key points such as the launch date, primary objectives, monitored metrics, and feedback channels. A template for a memo to stakeholders was provided to ensure effective communication. Stay tuned for the next lesson on monitoring feedback.

  • In this lesson, we covered monitoring feedback after a product launch, emphasizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. We discussed various methods such as surveys, usability studies, cohort analysis, A/B testing, NPS, and more, to gain insights into customer satisfaction, adoption, retention, and overall impact. Analyzing this data enables product managers to make informed decisions to improve product performance and prioritize backlog items effectively. Stay tuned for the next lesson on value updates.

  • This lesson covers value updates for your product feature, emphasizing the importance of strategic communication with stakeholders. Key components include revisiting the primary objective, sharing the product story, illustrating impact with quotes, recognizing feedback contributors, discussing unexpected outcomes, outlining ongoing monitoring plans, thanking the team, and adding a touch of humor. The attached template provides a structured approach for crafting these updates. Stay tuned for the next section!

  • This lesson delves into optimization within the E3 framework, emphasizing data-driven decision-making to enhance customer experiences and achieve business objectives. It covers various elements to test, including usability, features, functionality, creative work, marketing strategies, and A/B testing. A/B testing is explained as a controlled experiment comparing variations to identify the best-performing option. The next lesson will provide a step-by-step guide on running A/B tests.

  • This lesson provides a comprehensive guide to running A/B tests within the E3 framework. It covers steps from preparation to analysis and iteration, emphasizing alignment with goals, stakeholder communication, test implementation, result sharing, and future planning. The process ensures data-driven decisions to enhance customer experiences and drive better results.

  • In this final section of the Elevate phase in the E3 Framework, Roadmap Updates are crucial. After launching and gathering feedback, it's time to reassess priorities, align with evolving business objectives, and adjust the roadmap accordingly. By identifying emerging risks and opportunities, providing updated timelines, and ensuring stakeholder alignment, teams can navigate market changes effectively and maintain customer satisfaction. Stick around for the Elevate checklist to ensure all essential elements are in place for this phase.

  • Passing grade required to get the Official Product Protege Certification of Completion